What defines a “good” day? And what defines a “bad” one? 

Is it the state of our external world? Or the state of our internal mind? 

When all is said and done, did I choose responsibility, or fall victim to the ego’s lie? 

Did I stop focusing on the physical and turn my attention inside? 

Did I find the present moment by breathing new life?

Did I rise above yesterday’s bar, only to find cracks in the mirror of self once again?

Did I choose to put faith into action? 

Did I remind myself of all the things I’m grateful for?

Have I reminded myself that I’m worthy of my own unconditional love, despite my illusion of perfection?   

Was I able to quiet my inner judge and reason with his roar? Or did I hide in the corner when fear knocked on my door?  

When my sense of external control started slipping away, did I fall down the rabbit hole, or did I dig for truth and remain calm in the face of surprise?

Can I be the independent variable? 

Can I zoom out and witness from afar? 

Can I observe emotions and thoughts without reacting to them?

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Viktor Frankl

Now can I ask again?

How do you define a “good” day? And how do you define a “bad” day? 

Is it what happens here 🌎? Or in here? 🧠